My uncle, the photographer
Dear readers of my weblog.
Today I would like to write about my uncle. My uncle is a photographer. He really makes beautiful and sharp pictures. Photographing is not really his job, because he doesn’t earn enough with it. But he would like to photograph and make it his profession. He is often asked for big jobs and events. For example, last week he had a photo shoot with the model Janice Dickinson and he was invited to photograph on the private party of Victoria Koblenko.
I found the pictures and the work my uncle does extremely impressive. It's also nice to have a photographer in the family, because every time we have a family meeting or a birthday, he makes beautiful pictures and it’s really nice to look back at those pictures.
Nowadays it’s really hard to make a profession out of photographing. If you want a job as photographer you have to be very good. This is also the reason why a lot of people don’t choose the study photography. Not because they don’t like the study. In contrary, they like the study a lot and really want to do it, but they aren’t assure of a good job in the future so they decide to choose a study who does give that certainty.
I would like to photograph myself too. I love those big cameras which make extra sharp pictures. I’m thinking about buying a digital Canon camera in the future. But I don’t think I’ll ever be able to make such beautiful pictures as my uncle, I leave that to him!
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